Trusting the process.. over the weekend I had the privilege for a friend to come to me for natural hair care consultation for her child..
She seemed very frustrated with the state of her child's hair so I alsked her to just come over..
So she came and boy, she really needed help! #naturalhaircare can be real work if you don't know what you are doing, and worse approaching it with a relaxer hair care mentality 🤦🏽♀️.. I know it's a learning curve.. yes, I get it .. so stay on your #naturalhairjourney 👍🏾
So while teaching, we we crossed over to business as l always do to encourage my black friends and family to venture into some sort of business based on what they are good at and what their interest are..
So we had a good chat and I gave her some tips to help her.. but one this stuck with me.. she asked me "how you did it"? How was I able to get this far in business? Mind you I'm still starting ...
This got me thinking.. how did I get here? So I went out to get a few raw materials for production today and found this scale? The black fancy one.. I was so excited because it's the best I have had so far.. so when I got home trying it out with all my excitement .. I remembered how I started.. from my very first kitchen scale lined up and I'm sure you can tell the sequence 🤣.
I believe life is a journey and in stages most times and you need to learn to be patient and trust the process. Many times we just focus on other people's achievements without thinking they did not get there in a day!
Learn to pace yourself in whatever you are doing and give yourself time to grow and as long as we are alive.. the universe will reward you for your hard work if you don't give up💪..
Keep going, stay #healthy body and mind, focus, trust the process, practice #selflove and #selfcare, stay true to yourself, love others, and in good time, you will see the reward 😉❤️
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