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One Of THE BEST Natural Ingredient That Will Transform  Your Skin Care Routine

One Of THE BEST Natural Ingredient That Will Transform Your Skin Care Routine

Why do we insist of changing things that have worked for hundreds of years?

As other companies move towards chemicals in skin care products, Simply Go Natural Cosmetics stays grounded in our natural roots by using cocoa butter.

Cocoa butter is extracted from cocoa beans. The texture is creamy and soft. NO OTHER CHEMCIAS ARE ADDED to make the product last longer, smell better or add elegance to the texture; Cocoa butter doesn’t need any nasty toxic chemicals added, it is an all-natural, smooth, pleasant smelling and durable natural remedy.


The benefits and applications cocoa butter has for the skin and hair are numerous.

Read about the 10
benefits below.

Fun fact

The Aztecs Offered Cocoa beans to the god Quetzalcoatl who was believed to have gifted humans with the cocoa tree. (I don’t know when they decided to switch to human sacrifices)

10 key benefits of Cocoa butter

- Moisturizes skin (Fatty acids create a protective barrier over your skin that keeps
moisture in)
- Helps with scars and stretch marks
- All natural, no harmful chemicals that can irritate skin
- Helps with wrinkles
- Leaves the skin looking youthful
- UV protection
- Good source of Vitamin E and K
- Healthier cholesterol levels
- Prevent joint inflammation
- Eliminates dandruff

Our products that contain Cocoa butter
-Body butter

Where to find us



Atlantic Canada retailers that sell our product: Sobeys (22 Locations across HRM and Atlantic Canada )
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