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Are you shedding or Alopecia ?

Are you shedding or Alopecia ?

It's Saturday and a washday for many but are you having hairloss or shedding ?
This is something many of us experience but can't really tell if the hair we are loosing is real hair loss or just shedding which is part of the hair growth cycle.
I learnt a lot on my own natural hair journey so when I started shedding excessively, I knew something was up but nothing prepared me for what was about to unfold which is my struggle with Alopecia Areata.
Take note of your hair wash routine, and if you are shedding a handful of hair, please consult a doctor. Let them run blood test to check if you have any underlying health conditions, and vitamin levels. Being low on vitamins such as Vitamin D, And Iron can lead to excessive hair loss or thining so do take your vitamins if you have been diagnosed with any deficiency .
In the meantime, we are here to support you from the outside to have healthy beautiful hair with our products.
Struggling with hair thining or shedding, or hair loss ? Or just just want gorgeous growing hair ? Try our Coconut pride (The purple 🟣 line).
Needs a real hair boost? Add our Cocoshea treatment serum and use as you deep conditioner for even a stronger, stimulating boost .
You can get our Coconut pride line online and in our select Sobeys , Black Owned Toronto store, for our Toronto locals, and on Amazon Canada and US , but the Treatment serum is only online so get it at . Are you struggling with hair loss or Alopecia Areata ? Join ons on our support group page on Facebook Simply Go Natural Alopecia Areata Support
Also follow us on our social media account on Facebook and Instagram at simplygonaturalcosmetics to follow our posts on this topic and more in the future.
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